What Our Clients are Saying
Matt, Drexel Hereford Client, August 2018
Matt is one of 50 heirs Drexel Hereford worked on in a case of a woman who passed away in 2016 without a Will and with no immediate surviving family. All the heirs were cousins. Matt is a first cousin once removed who received a distribution from this estate.
Martha, Drexel Hereford Client, 2016
Martha is the daughter of an heir, who was 95 years old when Drexel Hereford located her and identified her as an heir in a case involving a cousin she didn’t know. We’re happy to report when this video was created, our heir was 97 years old and enjoying her inheritance.
To read video transcript, click here.
Related Reading
Heir Search Firms Help Keep It In The Family
By Rachel Emma Silverman
Published Feb. 21, 2007, Wall Street Journal
Companies track down lost beneficiaries on behalf of estates.
What to do when not all heirs are included in probate?
By Erik J. Broel, Broel Law Group, LLC
Published April 28, 2015
Once you have determined who is an heir to the estate, the next step is to confirm that the Petitioner has include everyone on the petition. If you are in a situation where a Petitioner has left out an heir, it is crucial to act fast and file an objection, also known as a caveat, to the petition filed with the incorrect information.
Who’s Family? Sibling question at heart of Prince estate case
By Emma Nelson and Dan Browning
Published Aug. 5, 2016, Star Tribune
Because he died without a will, the question of who is related to Prince is crucial to distributing his estate. Genetic testing to settle issue of whether Prince and his half-brother Duane shared a father. Link to online story in title above, link to PDF here.
Port Hope Woman Finally United with Half-brother
By Cecilia Nasmith
Published: September 27, 2011, Northumberland (Ontario, CAN) Today
One of Drexel Hereford’s researchers, Pam Hedman, helps her brother-in-law find aunt he didn’t know he had.
Dying Alone Intestate Places Burden on the County
Affidavit of Diligent Search
Example of Probate Court affidavit of diligent search for a known heir. Estate administrators in this instance are only required look for heirs using three different methods which include: calling last known phone number, searching online directories, and searching social media.